Virtual Annual Company Meeting
Boston Beer Company tasked Van Wagner with creating a company-wide hybrid meeting for their annual all-coworker gathering that could no longer take place in-person.
Van Wagner created a seamless broadcast with a mix of live and pre-recorded content, filmed the live show from the Boston taproom, created seven brand videos, and produced wholesale brand meetings that created an event with unmatched impact.
More than 1,500 BBC coworkers tuned into this captivating broadcast that held live Q&A sessions, roundtable discussions, brand presentations, live entertainment and social gatherings. BBC was able to engage their employees across the country and in post-event surveys, the company saw the highest engagement scores in company history.
Services Performed
- Virtual Multi-Day Event
- Run-of Show Development and Show calling
- Video Production & Editing
- Live Virtual Q&A
- Customized Graphics
- Programming Content
- Operations & Management